In recent years, Black Friday has been the starting signal for the Christmas business and has taken on ever greater proportions. A real battle for discounts has developed. In addition to Black Friday, Singles Day and Cyber Monday have also established themselves as bargain days. Online shops increasingly offer attractive deals during two weeks, namely from Singles Day until the end of Cyber Week.

Based on the solvency queries of its customers with online shops, CRIF has investigated on which days purchases were made most frequently.

Due to the pandemic, 2020 and 2021 experienced a real boost in online purchases. This was also reflected in Black Friday in 2020, which topped the list with 227,563 queries. In 2021, credit queries on this day were 214,947. In 2022, Black Friday still recorded 212,580 queries. This is a decrease of 6.6% compared to the record year 2020. And if we look at 2019, queries on Black Friday were 219,599, which is also higher than in 2022. Whereas in 2022, more queries were generated across all discount days than in 2019. This confirms the assumption that online shops are increasingly offering their cyber special discounts already on the days before and after Black Friday.

Although 2022 saw the most solvency checks noted on Black Friday, the percentage has decreased over the past few years. As recently as 2019, Black Friday recorded the highest query rate in percentage terms at 13.6%. In 2022, this was still 12.4%.

Cyber Monday, on the other hand, has caught up. In 2019, the share of queries was 8%, in 2022 it was already 8.7% of all queries.

Singles Day, on the other hand, recorded the lowest number of queries ever this year, at 88,077.